juliana & andrey vradyabout

Emotion Blender. What AI thinks of us?
ESPRONCEDA Institute of Art & Culture / BARCELONA / 2024

Interactive Audiovisual Performance and Interdisciplinary Exhibition
created by Juliana & Andrey Vrady, coded with ♥ by Andy Junginger
Sound by Rachel Heavey

While we are debating what we think of AI,
have we stopped to think what it thinks of us?

A live event that uses the facial expression of participants to create digital “art” generated by an AI facial recognition program.
The process reads one participant at a time to fill the wall with how the AI is interpreting “reading” their expressions.

ESPRONCEDA INSTITUTE OF ART & CULTURE / BARCELONA / 2024/ Interactive Audiovisual Performance and Interdisciplinary Exhibition
created by Juliana & Andrey Vrady, coded with ♥ by Andy Junginger
DJ Rachel Heavey